Spanish Christian Video Bible Schools
Three Ministries which have Spanish Christian Video Bible Schools are Video Esperanza, Oremundo Ministries, and Frontier Baptist Missions. Please go to their web site for
more information on
their videos. Some of the videos or dvd’s have printed materials to study with the videos or dvd’s. Some ministries have their materials on flash or usb drives. Some
ministries have their
materials on the internet.
Rio Grande Bible College
Seminario Bíblico Río Grande
Recursos SBRG
Recursos Audiovisuales
You can only find the videos or dvds on the Spanish version of the website.
Please look for the links that say
Recursos SBRG or Recursos Audiovisuales.
Oremundo Ministries
This ministry is conservative.
Frontier Baptist Missions
Trinity Baptist Seminary
El Seminario Bautista Trinidad
Please go to this website.
This is their facebook website.
It is also available on usb or flash drives.
This ministry is conservative.
Please visit my new Global Christian Video Directory at
It has a list of thousands of titles of Christian videos in over 1000 languages fo the world and where to buy them. This web site is an updated version of this site, the World
Christian Video Directory
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translate this web site into 33 different languages at
If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact